Hi there! This tutorial will provide step by step instructions on how to customize and configure Salesforce to meet your organization needs. First, let’s review what custom objects and fields can do.
Custom Objects:
You can extend your organization’s data by defining custom objects. Custom objects are like database tables that store company information.
Custom Tabs:
Custom tabs display the data stored in your custom object. It makes it easy for users to access your custom objects.
Custom Fields:
Custom fields store data that is associated with the custom object. In salesforce, you are able to create custom fields to store information that is unique to your organization.
Create a Custom Object Instructions:
Requirements: I created a custom object called Technology Audit for this tutorial and created some custom fields for it. The custom object will provide tracking information and recommendations.
Step 1: Create a Custom Object – Click Setup –> Object Manager –> Create –> Custom Object.
Step 2: Enter Technology Audit as the label. The Plural Label is also required. Example: Technology Audits.
Tip: The object name auto populates.
Step 3: Select the “Starts with vowel sound” checkbox.
Step 4: In the Search Status section, select the Allow Search checkbox and click Save. The page should automatically refresh.
Step 5: Select Launch New Custom Tab Wizard after saving this custom object. Another way to create a custom tab is listed within the “Create a custom object instructions” section.
Create a Custom Object Tab Instructions:
Step 1: If the Launch New Custom Tab Wizard after saving this custom object did not show, you can access it another way. Click Setup –> Type Tabs in the search bar –> Click Tabs –> Click New.
Step 2: Select the Technology Audit custom object.
Step 3: Click the Tab Style lookup icon, and select the Lightning color scheme and icon for the custom tab.
Step 4: Enter ” Tab for the Technology Audit object” as the short description.
Step 5: Click Next, then Next again.
Step 6: Choose the custom apps that you want the new custom tab to available in. For this tutorial, we’ll make the tab visible for only the Sales users. Deselect Include Tab, and select only Sales (standard__LightningSales).
Step 7: Click Save.
A custom app is a set of fields, objects, permissions, and other functions that together supports a business process.
Create Custom Fields Instructions:
The Technology Audit custom object needs fields so that information can be entered about the audit. In addition to the Account the audit is associated with, the amount of time of the audit,the audit notes, and the type of Technology Audit will be provided.
Figuring out what type of field is needed to create a custom field needs to be considered first. A picklist field should be created so that you will be able to choose from a list of options.
Step 1: Click Fields & Relationships, then click New.
Step 2: Choose Picklist as the field type and click Next.
Step 3: Enter “Type of Audit” as the Field Label.
Step 4: Select Enter values, with each value separated by a new line.
Step 5: Enter the following picklist values on a separate line.
- Hardware
- Backup Systems
- Document Management System
Step 6: Select Use first value as default value, then click Next.
Step 7: Leave the Establish field-level security settings as-is and click Next.
Step 8: Leave Technology Audit Layout selected, and click Save.
The following information needs to be captured in custom fields. Leave each field setting as-is.
Create Technology Audit Records Instructions:
An object is useless without records to fill it out.
Step 1: From setup, click the App Launcher and under All Items, click Technology Audits.
Step 2: Click New.
Step 3: Add three records with the following criteria:
Step 4: Click Save & New after each new record. Document Management System Audit is the last record.
Add a new account if the account is not found.